Thoughts on Aggression.
Thoughts on Aggresion --
Eric Kandel is conducting a Charlie Rose Show on the Brain and Agression
Where does it come from?
Some people need scapegoats - as Nazi Germany did after WW I, when they had to pay heavy fees, and themselves were extremely poor. A wheelbarrow full of money meant nothing!
Also, Kandel said in his home in Vienna, one of his schoolmates told him, his "parents said
not to have anything to do with him anymore .": (cause he's Jewish, 1938).
POINT __ One can follow
He said, that some people can learn aggression, by just following the crowd.
Believe it or not, ISIS, is made to look glamorous to some of its new young followers!
THey get financial support!
Another point --
Children who are exposed to agreesive parents or trauma -- grow up 2 ways.
Either -- become agressive
like ELI WIESEL want to make the world a better place. That is why he also talks about DAFUR as well as the Holocaust.