Austrian Nazis Who Did Not Regret Their Deeds
Eichmann killed the children because he was afraid they would grow up and seek revenge. He never talked about regret. His assistant ws...
The Train West - to Italy The next Trains went East -- to Auschwitz!
My older brother Harry -- told me when we left Vienna, March, 1940, we left by way of the West Train Station - direction Italy --...
A Memory
I was interviewed on the Leon Charney Report, They showed well edited clips from SHADOWS FROM MY PAST. It included WALDHEIM, WIESENTHAL,...
is going to trial in Germany APril 23, 2015. He was photographed in an SS uniform as a soldier. And sent to Auschwita as a Soldier in...
I spoke to my cousin in France, and we discovered her Grandmother, the sister of Great Uncle Solomon Advokat was also an Advokat, who had...
Yom’H’shoah. Watching students at Hunter College sing The Star-Spangeled Banner and Hatikvah was very moving – a “victory over the...
Klimt's Beethover Frieze Masterpiece, Remembering Albert Maysles
A Masterpiece of Beethoven Mural by Klimt was rejected by Austria to return to the Eric Lederer's heirs. The Austrian Judge in charge of...
Thoughts on Aggression.
Thoughts on Aggresion -- Eric Kandel is conducting a Charlie Rose Show on the Brain and Agression Where does it come from? Some people...
History repeats itself
July 1, 2014 So Directly from 1939 – we see history repeating itself. This morning the Daily News had a headline about 2 boys shot. I...
It began 100 years ago in Austria
JUNE 26, It began with the assasination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Emperor Franz Josef, the benevolent to the Jews....